Occupational safety and health

Iran Patek Industrial Group, as a producer of all kinds of hand tools by the forge method in the country, has established an occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS 18001: 2007) in order to achieve excellence based on productivity and organizational progress. All colleagues related to this system pay attention to the following and commit to its implementation:

Reducing the index of accidents in the company with the aim of creating an accident-free work environment
Promotion and improvement of occupational health and safety culture in the company through training
Increasing the level of occupational safety and health in the workplace
Renovation and improvement of individual and group professional health and safety equipment based on engineering principles
The representative and management have been diligent in the implementation and effectiveness of this system in order to maintain this policy with the cooperation of the occupational health and safety officer and the officials and owners of the processes and other colleagues.